Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2-day seminar-workshop entitled ”Building Up Literate Communities Through Books and Libraries”

January 15, 2010

Dear Sir/Madam:

The University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) Library would like to invite you to a 2-day seminar-workshop entitled ”Building Up Literate Communities Through Books and Libraries” to be held at the UNEP-Mini Theater on Feb. 18-19, 2010. Target participants are teachers, librarians and students.

The objectives of the seminar-workshop are:

1. To have a better concept of the information literacy.

2. To create awareness of the importance of information literacy among students and teachers.

3. To define the role of libraries in the promotion of information literacy.

We have invited Elvira B. Lapuz, and Zarah C. Gagatiga , both from the University of the Philippines, Diliman to talk on the topic.

A registration fee of P1,000.00 will be collected to cover food, certificate and seminar-kit. Attached are endorsement letters from the Commission on Higher Education and the Department of Education whichever is applicable plus the program. Please confirm your attendance on or before February 15, 2010 a t the above telephone numbers or to any of the following mobile phone nos. 0915-778-1402 (Hermie), 0908-269-4155 (Vilma), 0918-698-4844 (Joyce); 0919-458-9436 (Lorena) and 0929-318-7601 (Jaida).. We are looking forward to your presence.

Very truly yours,

University Librarian

Noted by:

Vice President for Academic Affairs


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